Activity Report: Vouchers

The Vouchers tab contains the following information below.

  • Transaction ID: ShopBack identifier for either a voucher payment or redemption (depending on voucher model)
  • Brand and Location: Where the transaction took place
  • Transaction Date: Date-Time of voucher payment or transaction (depending on voucher model)
  • Customer ID: Unique identifier for customers

There are two models for vouchers that appear in reporting:

  • Redemption: Where vouchers are bought by ShopBack from merchant, and voucher commissions are charged at the point of a voucher redemption by customer.
  • Consignment: Where voucher are bought by ShopBack from merchant, and voucher commissions are charged at the point of a voucher purchase by customer.

Additionally, the following information is available:

  • SKU ID and SKU Name: Voucher code and associated name used to reference the voucher that has been purchased or redeemed
  • Transaction Amount: The amount that ShopBack pays to buy the voucher from merchant (not the amount that customer pays)
  • Commission Rate and Amount: cover the commission rate applied to the voucher either at purchase or at redemption (depend on voucher model)
  • Sales Tax: Sales tax applied on total fees
    Net Earning/ (Payable): If in black, net amount ShopBack is expected to pay to merchant; If in red, net amount merchant is expected to pay to ShopBack.