Step 1: Generate online integration credentials
a. Sign in to your ShopBack for Business - Merchant Portal.
- If you have not created an account, refer to our guide here.
- Skip this step if you have already generated the integration credentials.
Go to User Menu -> Settings, and click 'Generate Credential'
b. Once your credentials generated successfully, you may download the credentials for safe keeping. Please note, the Merchant Secret credentials can only be viewed once.

Username = {Merchant ID}
Live Password ={Production Merchant Secret}
Sandbox Password = {Sandbox Merchant Secret}
Step 2: Add ShopBack Pay as a payment option on your checkout
The following screenshot provides a best-practice example how the ShopBack Pay checkout could be designed. We suggest highlighting to customers that ShopBack Pay can be used with any debit / credit card.

Main payment title: ShopBack: Get Cashback with every payment
Secondary payment title: Scratch and win Cashback when you pay with ShopBack
Payment description:
Country | Payment description |
Singapore | What is ShopBack Pay? |
Malaysia | What is ShopBack Pay? |
Step 3: Add ShopBack Pay to your payment process
Create an auth token using the /auth/login API endpoint
Initiate an order an order using our sample payload to /order/initiate API endpoint
Implement the consumer redirect to the ShopBack Pay checkout flow (to complete the payment)
Implement the Server to server payment notification (payment notification webhook) to receive notification regarding the status of a payment
Check the payment status using /order/{orderUuid} API endpoint when we redirect the consumer back to your landing page after 30 seconds
Display the outcome based on the payment status
Payment completed: Display your order confirmation
Payment not completed: Display a payment failure error message and present your cart / checkout
Important note
Do not – under any circumstances – integrate API calls directly from your frontend (e.g. via AJAX calls). This will create a serious vulnerability on your website.
Step 4: Implement API resources for day-to-day operations, e.g. refunds
Once the order process works end-to-end, it is a good time to connect to additional API resources that will be needed in day-to-day operations:
- Required: Initiate partial order refund
- Optional: Update your order ID
Updated about 1 month ago