

Branch is an app analytics tool. It requires the merchant to implement the SDK into the target app itself, both on iOS and Android. This requires some time and tech involvement and it is crucial for the tech team to do the correct implementation from the get-go so it is crucial that this is communicated to the merchant from the start.

Process Flow

  1. ShopBack user clicks on the ShopBack link which redirects to the Branch link with appended shopback_id
  2. Branch will determine if the user has the merchant app installed and redirect to the desired destination, i.e. the merchant app
  3. The user then lands on the merchant app and browses as per normal
  4. When the user completes a purchase, the purchase event is recorded and will signal to the Branch SDK and hence is recorded in Branch
  5. Branch then postbacks a webhook to ShopBack system
  6. A conversion is recorded by the ShopBack system and cashback is created

Setup Prerequisites

  • Branch SDK to be installed in both merchant iOS and Android apps successfully.
  • Relevant events to be captured by Branch SDK, for example:
    • Custom purchase event
    • Custom registration
  • The events must capture the event parameters relevant to the commercial, e.g.
    • Payment amount
    • User order_id
    • Item category
  • Access to the Branch dashboard by either the Merchant Person-in-charge (PIC) or access granted to ShopBack

Branch Setup

Below here are the steps to set up on Branch using a step-by-step guide

To be given by ShopBack and inputted in Branch settings


Please request these data parameters from your ShopBack representative

Account Settings

ParameterParameter ValueCompulsory?
security_tokenProvided by ShopBackYes

Postback Config

Event NameGoal IDPostback URL
Event 1Provided by ShopBackLeave as is
Event 2Provided by ShopBackLeave as is
Event 3Provided by ShopBackLeave as is

Info regarding postback

Example Postback${ (ad_network.goal_ids["INITIATE_PURCHASE"])! }&transaction_id=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)! }&adv_sub=${ (custom_data.transaction_id)! }&amount=${ (custom_data.sale_amounts)! }&security_token=${ (ad_network.credentials.security_token)! }

Postback Definitions

Below are the frequently used macros. Please adjust the name to suit your needs

  • Goal ID linked to Event name = ${ (ad_network.goal_ids["INITIATE_PURCHASE"])! }
  • Transaction_ids copied from URL = ${ (last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)! }
  • Custom Event parameters with Custom Event name = ${ (custom_data.transaction_id)! }
  • security_token for ShopBack = ${ (ad_network.credentials.security_token)! }

To be given by Merchant person-in-charge

In order for ShopBack to configure the postback, please fill in the custom event parameters captured by the respective event in the table below. This can also be provided by the supporting Branch manager or downloaded by the merchant under Custom Exports.

Event NameCustom Event Details (JSON Format)
PURCHASE (example){ "AMOUNT": "5000.00", "ORDER_ID": "5d0f09371e1be9000192382e", "ITEM": "iPhone X", "CATEGORY": "mobile phones" }
Event 1
Event 2
Event 3


The above Customer Event details will be used by ShopBack to map event parameters to the ShopBack backend system

Step-by-step Branch Dashboard Setup

This setup is required to be done by the Merchant inside the Branch dashboard. This can either be done by the Merchant’s team or by ShopBack by providing client access with the information down below.

Step 1: Sign in to Branch and head to Partner Management and search for ShopBack under Partner Management settings under Ads

Step 1: Sign in to Branch and head to Partner Management and search for ShopBack under Partner Management settings under Ads

Step 2: Click ShopBack and you will be redirected to the various Partner settings page. Please fill in Security Token with the security token provided by ShopBack above

Step 2: Click ShopBack and you will be redirected to the various Partner settings page. Please fill in Security Token with the security token provided by ShopBack above

Step 3: Moving on to Postback Config, select Enable for the relevant event and fill in the appropriate Goal ID provided above. Please fill in the appropriate Postback URL provided above

Step 3: Moving on to Postback Config, select Enable for the relevant event and fill in the appropriate Goal ID provided above. Please fill in the appropriate Postback URL provided above

Step 4: Head into Links settings and click Create Ad Link

Step 4: Head into Links settings and click Create Ad Link

Step 5: Select App Install or Engagement

Step 6: Name your link appropriately and make sure Ad Partner selected is ShopBack. Then click “Create Link Now”

Step 7: And... you’re done!. Please copy the Ad Link to the ShopBack representative and testing can now be started.

Step 8: ShopBack will proceed to conduct test orders and once it is completed without any issues, the Merchant will be approved for launch.


Enable ShopBack client Access

To enable ShopBack to more easily handle Branch dashboard setup. Please enable client ShopBack access with limited credentials. In order to do this. Please head to Account Settings and select Team on the tap navigation. Then, click “Add Agency Team Member” to provide ShopBack user with access.