How does Billing for Payment Products work?
The billing workflow at ShopBack for Payment-based products follows a set of easy steps outlined below:
Daily Activity
- Customers transact with your brand during the course of a day (Day T)
- On the next business day (T + 1), payments are processed in the early morning for billing and settlement
- By 10am on T + 1, the daily activity report is available to download on ShopBack for Business
- By 4pm on T + 1, if you have enrolled with ShopBack for Enterprise and Payment Partner reporting, the automated reporting will become available via sFTP for download
- Similarly, by 4pm on T + 1, daily activity reports will be distributed via email to your nominated addresses
- Typically, by 5pm on T + 1, ShopBack's finance teams will execute payment for settlement
Monthly Activity
- This process will continue throughout the month on business days (typically Monday to Friday)
- The next month (M + 1), calendar day 1, monthly invoices will be made available on ShopBack for Business
- M + 1, calendar day 3, monthly activity reports will be distributed via email to your nominated addresses
- M + 1, calendar day 8, invoices will be distributed via email to your nominated addresses
Ad-hoc Activity
- Finally, anytime after T + 1, merchants and partners can download custom, variable activity reports from ShopBack for Business covering a reporting period ranging from 1 day through to 93 days at a time

Updated 10 months ago