Install ShopBack Price Tagline Manually
How to install price tagline manually
To manually install the ShopBack Price Tagline, merchant would need to inject the tagline by completing the following steps.
Step 1: Include below script tag in the header of the html page
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Step 2: Include below div tag with className shopback-page-container
<div className=shopback-collection-item-price>page</div>
- this div tag should wrap around the contents of the store.
Step 3: For [Collection page], include another div tag with className shopback-collection-item-price
<div className=shopback-collection-item-price>page</div>
Step 4: For [Product Details Page], include another div tag with className shopback-product-item-price
<div className=shopback-product-item-price>page</div>
Modifying Tagline
The price tagline has been standardized across all merchants for consistency. However, if you'd like to make any adjustments or customize the tagline to better suit your brand, you have the flexibility to modify it.
Simply update the CSS to make any changes you need.
Well done!
Once you have completed all the steps, the ShopBack Price Tagline should be successfully displayed at your website! Your customers can easily see and engage with the price information, enhancing their shopping experience and making it easier to browse through your products.
If you need any further assistance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to support you every step of the way!
What is ShopBack Price Tagline?
If you’d like to learn more about what a price tagline is and how it works, feel free to refer to What is ShopBack Price Tagline page.
Updated about 1 month ago