Phone number / NRIC / Credit card details for testing

You can use the following details to register for a new consumer account:


Phone: +65 9234 1234 (we send the registration OTP to your email address)
NRIC: S8009676C
Credit Card: 4000 0070 2000 0003
Validity: any future month / year
CCV / CCV: any numeric value


Phone: +60 107659012 (we send the registration OTP to your email address)
NRIC: S8009676C
Credit Card: 4000 0000 0000 3055
Validity: any future month / year
CCV / CCV: any numeric value

Decline payments

To simulate payments that the issuer declines for various reasons, use test cards from this section;

DescriptionNumberError Code
Generic decline4000000000000002card_declined
Insufficient funds decline4000000000009995card_declined
Lost card decline4000000000009987card_declined
Stolen card decline4000000000009979card_declined
Expired card decline4000000000000069expired_card
Incorrect CVC decline4000000000000127incorrect_cvc
Processing error decline4000000000000119processing_error
Incorrect number decline4242424242424241incorrect_number

The cards in the previous table can’t be attached to a Customer object. To simulate a declined payment with a successfully attached card, use the next one.

Decline after attaching4000000000000341Attaching this card to a Customer object succeeds, but attempts to charge the customer fail.


Currently, Thailand is not yet supported for demo environment