Online Payment

Please go through the following steps to setup ShopBack Pay on EasyStore.

Integration Steps

Step 1: Generate online integration credentials

a. Sign in to your ShopBack for Business - Merchant Portal.

  • If you have not created an account, refer to our guide here.
  • Skip this step if you have already generated the integration credentials.

Go to User Menu -> Settings, and click 'Generate Credential'

b. Once your credentials generated successfully, you may download the credentials for safe keeping. Please note, the Merchant Secret credentials can only be viewed once.

Username = {Merchant ID}

Live Password ={Production Merchant Secret}

Sandbox Password = {Sandbox Merchant Secret}

Step 2: Add ShopBack payment gateway

Go to EasyStore Admin > Settings > Payments > Add payment method > select ShopBack Pay.

Step 3: Fill in Display Name

Fill in the Display name and fill in the Description which will be shown to customers at checkout. Preferably ShopBack: Get Cashback with every payment.

Step 4: Choose your currency

Scroll down to sub payment method settings > Add a sub payment method and tick on the currency.

  • Malaysian Ringgit - MYR
  • Singapore Dollar - SGD
  • Hong Kong Dollar - HKD


The supported currencies are based on which currencies that you have signed up with ShopBack Pay.

Step 5: Fill up the API credentials

Once you have your integration credentials ready, please fill in the Merchant ID, and Merchant Secret (generated via Step 1) and click Save.

  • Merchant ID = Merchant ID
  • Merchant Secret = Merchant Secret (Starts with PK_XXX only)

You have completed the EasyStore integration with ShopBack Pay

Your consumers can start paying with ShopBack Pay!